OVA Registration

Welcome OVA students to Oakland Homeschool Music! We are glad to provide music education classes to Virtual Academy Students.

After you register with Oxford Virtual Academy, you can enroll with OHMI here.

After you are registered you will be inputted to PRAXI – our Student Information Portal, and will receive an invite to the Parent Portal in Praxi. You must activate that link within 48 hours, or it will expire and you will not be able to get in. We will also register you for classes, so you will not have to fill out the class selection form in PRAXI. Class(es) can be chosen on the registration form below. All OHMI students (PSP and Private pay) are required to pay a Student Security Deposit to be sure that all OHMI materials (music, concert attire, etc.) are returned at the end of the year. This deposit will be returned to you at the end of the school year after all materials have been returned.

If you have any questions, you can email the Program Administrator at: info@ohmimusic.com