Welcome to OHMI

Oakland Homeschool Music is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to assist families of home-schooled children and other children who do not have access to a music education program in their school have the opportunity to develop musical talents and appreciation.

Our music education program concentrates on music history, music theory, and music performance through participation in large group musical ensembles and elementary music classes.  Although it is based in Oakland County, Michigan, it is open to families from the surrounding area for students in grades K through 12. We currently have students from seven counties in SE Michigan.


OHMI Concert Choir at Greenfield Village

The HS Concert Choir from OHMI will be performing at Greenfield Village on Friday, December 6th for Christmas caroling!…


OVA Spring Semester

If you are an OVA student interested in taking OHMI classes for the Spring Semester, please contact us for classes that are available.

Not all classes are offered or have space for the Spring Semester.…