OHMI Goes Camping!

Join  other OHMI Families for a local camping weekend at Groveland Oaks September 4 – 8, 2024! Camping is only available for OHMI Families planning to register for the 24-25 school year. We know many OHMI families like to camp, so we thought we would try a group camping excursion! Groveland Oaks is a great place for families with many activities. You can get all of the information here: OHMI Camping Flyer

Registration is open until the spots are filled. We currently have 19 available spots. If there is enough interest, we may open another group camping site. You can cancel your reservation if needed up until July 31st. After that, the fee is non-refundable as we have to pay the campground for the sites. We are looking forward to making music around the campfire!