Musical Theatre (SMTC)


The Summer Music Theatre production for 2025 is Les Miserables!!


Students take the musical skills they have learned all year and apply them to producing a musical theatre production. Students can play an instrument in the pit orchestra, learn lines and sing on stage, or work backstage or learn other technical skills to help support the performance. It is a 6 week, 4 times/week class culminating in performances at the Waterford Kettering Performing Arts Center. Registration usually opens around  the first week of March. Students need to be registered by May 1st.

We are looking forward to performing this show for you! Join us!

information packet: Les Miserables info packet

Note this is a school edition, high school level show (PG – 13). MS students must be 13 years old, and need to audition to be in the show. It is a very vocally demanding show, and many MS students are not ready for that. HS students who are not currently part of OHMI must audition to be in the show. 

After you read the information packet, you can register HERE

Our past shows:


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